One morning, earlier this summer, we were driving north along
the Salmon River in Idaho when Van Morrison came on the radio.
We were born before the wind
Also younger than the sun
Ere the bonnie boat was one as we sailed into the mystic
. . .
Just about there, Tom called right out from the back seat, with something
between amusement and scandal, “we weren’t born before the wind!” We had all
day to get to Missoula, so of course, this led to a longer conversation.
“What do you think he’s singing about?”
And so it went.
We never set out to make positivists of these kids, as they
come to us little animists, playing in the outskirts of our rational,
grown-up world. But here is one game that we’ve played with them. I guess it doesn’t
really have a name, but it goes something like this:
“Which came first, gates or bait?”
(Followed by speculations and reasoning all around, until resolved to everyone’s basic satisfaction.)
(Followed by speculations and reasoning all around, until resolved to everyone’s basic satisfaction.)
Which came first, poles or holes?
Red or black?
Jerks or jerky?
Shoes or blue?
And so on.
Here’s another. Is a thing good or bad? Grasshoppers, Snow,
Cheatgrass, Lightning, and so on.
“Are roads good?”
“Yes, for people. No for prairie dogs.”
“Yes, for ravens. No for Raccoons.”
Anyway, you get it.
related: about toys, madrugada, 3 short improvised plays
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