Saturday, January 20, 2007

3 winter haiku

I mistook a cold
fanbelt, chirping down main street
for a canyon wren

hoarfrost, each morning
twenty-four below zero
encrusts my doorknob

this is when they crack
last year's water balloon lips
and fall off the tap


zlb said...

nice. I'd like to see your hand at yeti haikus. there is a big market in that.

Matsby said...

Nice haiku! I agree with zlb...

english said...

all the troubles with
aboniable snowmen
but they're still worth it

how's that? now you guys do some

zlb said...

their faceless words
stare silently
on the dim flickering screen

yeti's for life!!!!

english said...

-wait, I misspelled abominable. how about...

the tall, fowl musk scent
of hairtufts snagged in pinebark
brings on pee-shivers