Sunday, November 24, 2019

dialogues with Finn

Finn (walking home from the corner mailbox with me): “What do banks do?”
Me: (sigh. good question.) "Um, what do you mean?"
Finn: “You know banks? What do they do?”
Me: “Um. I don’t know, exactly. But basically they’re supposed to keep people’s money safe. Sometimes they find fancy things to do with it.”
Finn: “Like make a sculpture out of it?”

Finn (sitting down on the toilet): “Hi, Dad!”
Me: (on the other side of the curtain, showering): “What’s up, kid?”
Finn: “You know what a birthday shower is?”
Me: “A birthday shower?”
Finn: “Yeah, do you know?”
Me: “Nope. What’s a birthday shower?”
Finn: “It’s when you take a shower on your birthday and you get to fill the bathtub too, and you also get a nice bath.”
Me: “That sounds great. Is that what you did on your birthday?”
Finn: “No. But maybe on my next birthday.”
Me: “That’s a good idea. Will that be fun?
Finn: “Yeah.”
Me: “Was that your idea?”
Finn: “Yeah.”

Finn (after a nap, walking to church with me, and having noticed and named the clouds: a hippo, an open mouth, a gun--of course): “Dad, how big is the world?”
Me: “the… um… bigger than the moon but smaller than the sun?”
Finn: “We can’t see the world while we’re on the world.”
Me: “Right, but we can see parts of it.”
Finn: “Yeah, like trees and clouds. And bugs.”
Me: “I can see you.”
Finn: “And I can see you.”
Me: “When your grandma and grandpa were your age, nobody had seen the earth from space, but now hundreds of people have been up there, and we have some pictures.”
Finn: “Oh.”

1 comment:

  1. I love this, and I have to say, Finn asks some great questions. Also, great responses from Finn's Dad.
