Friday, October 28, 2011

hacking honeybuns, pigeons, &c. (inside and out)

Waiting around at CVS (pharmacy/crapstore) for my flu shot the other day, I got to reading the label of a Mrs. Freshley's Honey Bun. I was on the ethoxylated monoglicerides when I remembered that I'd meant to post this great little article my brother sent me from this newspaper in St. Petersburg Florida earlier this year.

Honey Buns as prison currency, as "hooch wine" ingredients, birthday cakes, last meals, &c.

On that note, check these other improvised prison technologies --for both living inside, and breaking out.
Mark Steinmetz' *fantastic* photo slideshow.

& these little stoves, darts, shivs, &c. at Tóxico

Finally, there's this story from a couple years ago, about carrier pigeons trying to use Brazilian yard birds to force their own obsolescence.

related: exploiting systems

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